

About our Suppressors

At Richmond Tactical, we believe suppressors, or silencers, are vital safety tools that all gun owners should have in their collection.  The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) states that the threshold for noises safe to the human ear is 140 decibels (dB). Even average commercial suppressors can reduce the sound of a .308 bolt-action rifle from 158 dB to 128 dB, or roughly the sound of a balloon popping and well below OSHA’s 140 dB threshold. That reduction can make a huge difference for a shooter’s hearing over years of use.

Using our own proprietary design, Richmond Tactical suppressors are able to deliver top of the line sound suppression, durability, and quality. Our designs have been proven to pass the SOCOM performance test and are fully auto rated.

If you have not shot with a suppressor before, you need to. In addition to saving your hearing, suppressors can actually improve your aim as well due to the reduction in both muzzle blast and recoil.

Suppressors Gallery

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